brown cow, © Fotolia ©stadelpeter -
© Fotolia ©stadelpeter -

Nieder­sachsen Milk Route

Milk is health-giving and provides energy – particularly if you engage in sporting activities during the day. Cyclists of all ages will glean an insight into modern dairy farming along four cycle routes ranging between 27 and 59 kilometres in length. Twelve farms and one dairy in the tourist region of Altes Land on the Elbe river and in the

Cuxland district open their doors to the public by prior arrangement, offering a glimpse behind the scenes. The “Melkhus” dairy stores at the roadside or milk vending machines, known as “milk filling stations”, sell delicious dairy produce.
The Elbe and Oste rivers give the region its character, both of which can be experienced on the Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) Milk Route. These varied cycle routes meander along the marshland bordering the Oste river, cross expansive moorlands, via the towns of Geest and through the densely forested district of Wingst. It is difficult to imagine this region without its dairy farming and livestock rearing. The landscape is characterised by expansive meadows, isolated moorland farmhouses and picturesque villages. All four cycle routes are signposted with the Niedersachsen Milk Route logo and can be combined with each other. Thanks to the wide range of distances, the routes are ideal for groups of all ages and fitness levels.
Groups can then test their knowledge of milk and obtain their “Milchmagister” diploma certificate from restaurants, selected farmhouses or the dairy to show what they have learned. The certificate tests – not altogether seriously – who knows the most grains and is the quickest to fetch feed for the cows.

Logo Niedersächsische Milchstraße


The Tour is continuously signposted with this standardised logo

Contact for Route 1 + 2

Tourismusverband Landkreis Stade/Elbe e. V.

Kirchenstieg 30
21720 Grünendeich
Phone: +49 (0) 4142 / 889760


Contact for Route 3 + 4

Tourist Center Wingst

Schwimmbadallee 6
21789 Wingst
Phone: +49 (0) 4778 / 81200
