Hiking Harz, © Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg
© Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg

Luchstour (Lynx tour)

588 m
579 m
16 km
highest point
573 m
Level of difficulty
Type of tour
Circular tour
Recommended month:JFMAMJJASOND
Recommended months for a hike: Optimal

In 2014, the hiking tour on the trail of the lynx was awarded with the German Hiking Seal of Approval as a “premium hiking trail”. The hiking trail also runs along the lynx's outdoor enclosure along the Rabenklippe (Raven Crag). You can also take in the beautiful views along the way.

neu_Deutsches Wandersiegel

Deutsches Wandersiegel

The Luchstour is a certified Premiumtour.

Things to see

Logo Luchstour


The Tour is continuously signposted with this standardised logo.


Arrival and departure

Cars can be parked on the large free car park by the B4 motorway, as well as on Berliner Platz. Bad Harz Mountainsburg can also be reached by bus and train.

Harzer Tourismusverband e.V.

Marktstraße 45
38640 Goslar
Phone: +49 (0) 5321 / 34040
