Burg Bentheim, © Grafschaft Bentheim Tourismus e.V./ Rudi Schubert
© Grafschaft Bentheim Tourismus e.V./ Rudi Schubert

Ben­theim Castle

Bentheim Castle is widely considered one of the oldest and most impressive castles in north-western Germany. Standing high over the valley on top of the mighty sandstone cliffs of the Bentheim Ridge, the castle towers over the small spa town. Bentheim is first mentioned in historical records in 1020. Walls that are five-and-a-half-metres thick and made of solid Bentheim sandstone protect the inhabitants against intruders. A branch of the noble family still lives in the castle, a large part of which is open to the general public all year.

History is still very much alive behind these walls in the knights’ hall, the powder tower and the torture chamber. Sandstone is the material that defines Bentheim, and nowhere is this more masterfully in evidence than in the Kronenburg wing, which was built in the Gothic style and features spacious chambers with historic furnishings, such as in the Ernst-August-Salon.

Explore the castle in daylight or after dark in a guided torchlight tour. In May, knights, knaves, market women and jesters set up camp at the foot of the castle and sound the trumpets for the start of the Bad Bentheim Knights’ Tournament.

Bentheim Castle

D-48455 Bad Bentheim
Phone: +49 (0) 5922 / 5011
