Lookout tower of the tree-top walk, © Weitblick Tietz GmbH & Co. KG / Adrian Föhl
© Weitblick Tietz GmbH & Co. KG / Adrian Föhl

Tree­top Walk­way Heide Him­mel (Lüneb­urg Heath)

Green travel

"Nature for all of us" - with this motto, the tree­top walk­way in­vites you to vis­it. On "Heide Him­mel" you can learn a lot about the loc­al forest and the Lüneb­urg Heath. In ad­di­tion to these in­sights in­to the loc­al flora and fauna, the path and ob­ser­va­tion tower of­fer a great view over the re­gion. In good weath­er, the view ex­tends all the way to Ham­burg. As a vis­it­or, you can either ex­plore the tree­top walk­way and the as­so­ci­ated forest nature trail on your own or get even more ex­cit­ing in­sights and in­form­a­tion on a guided tour.

Don't for­get to dis­cov­er the Sky­walk!
Opened in 2024, the 9-metre-long glass walk­way of­fers im­press­ive views of the heath and the ti­ger en­clos­ure.

The Him­mel und Erde res­taur­ant of­fers vari­ous re­gion­al dishes and typ­ic­al Heide products can be pur­chased in the ad­ja­cent shop. The Heide Him­mel tree­top walk­way is loc­ated dir­ectly in the Lüneb­urg Heath Nature Park, next to the wild­life park of the same name. A com­bin­a­tion of vis­its is pos­sible.


Weitblick Tietz GmbH & Co. KG

Wildpark 1
21272 Hanstedt-Nindorf
Phone: +49 (0) 4184 / 893926


Arrival planning

Plan your journey to „Treetop Walkway Heide Himmel (Lüneburg Heath)“ with Google Maps.