Wave pool, © SaLü - Salztherme Lüneburg - Knut Schulz
© SaLü - Salztherme Lüneburg - Knut Schulz

SaLü - Salzther­me Lüneb­urg

Have fun in the vari­ous pools and im­merse your­self in the world of the Salzther­me Lüneb­urg salt-wa­ter thermal baths.

Step out of the large cu­bicles of the re­fur­bished chan­ging rooms or the com­mun­al chan­ging areas and straight in­to the wa­ter. The sev­en pools are re­fresh­ingly warm. You can either drift along with the waves, be car­ried by the thermal wa­ter, let the un­der­wa­ter mu­sic wash over you or re­lax un­der the starry night sky all year round in the out­door salt-wa­ter pool.

The Medi­ter­ranean-style sauna and well­ness world is the per­fect place to re­lax and un­wind. With the shell-shaped float tank, re­lax­ari­um, mas­sages, cos­met­ic treat­ments, ped­i­cures and eight saunas with an at­tract­ive range of in­fu­sions, your trip to SaLü will cer­tainly make for a last­ing hol­i­day memory.

The town of Lüneb­urg also has plenty to of­fer ad­ven­tur­ous guests keen to ven­ture out­side of the spa. The me­di­ev­al salt town boasts ro­mantic in­ner court­yards and half-timbered houses in ad­di­tion to cute cafés, res­taur­ants, lov­ingly man­aged boutiques and fas­cin­at­ing mu­seums. Top tip: go on a his­tor­ic tour of the town with the night watch­man and his wife.


  • Out­door salt-wa­ter pool (32 °C, 2% salt con­tent, open all year round), salt-wa­ter wave pool (28 °C, 2% salt con­tent), salt-wa­ter re­lax­a­tion pool (32 °C with 4% salt con­tent and un­der­wa­ter mu­sic), whirl­pools
  • Spa fa­cil­it­ies (6 dif­fer­ent mixed saunas (45 - 110 °C), steam room, Ra­sul bath, rose tep­id­ari­um, re­lax­ari­um, float­ari­um, whirl­pool, plunge pool, re­lax­a­tion area, com­mu­nic­a­tion room, sauna garden, sauna bar) and a smal­ler spa (sep­ar­ate spa with 2 saunas (70 and 90 °C), re­lax­a­tion area, com­mu­nic­a­tion room, sauna in the in­ner court­yard, sauna bar)
  • Mas­sages, ped­i­cures, cos­met­ic treat­ments


  • Mid­night sauna, vari­ous in­fu­sions with honey rub or salt in­fu­sion
  • Tra­di­tion­al mas­sages, hot stone mas­sage, re­lax­ari­um, float­ari­um, cos­met­ic treat­ments for him and her, ped­i­cures, man­i­cures

SaLü - Salztherme Lüneburg

Uelzener Straße 1-5
21335 Lüneburg
Phone: +49 (0) 4131 / 7230


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