The Heide-Ranger (Lüneb­urg Heath)

Green travel

For over a dec­ade now, Heath Ranger Jan Brock­mann and his team have provided an ex­cit­ing range of activ­it­ies for hol­i­day­makers. Wheth­er you are in­ter­ested in a guided hik­ing tour, a night hike, a GPS rally or ob­tain­ing a Heath dip­loma, Mr Brock­mann is a qual­i­fied bio­lo­gist, and is happy to share his know­ledge on the spe­cif­ic char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the flora and fauna with you. In ad­di­tion to sched­uled activ­it­ies which are of in­terest to in­di­vidu­al hol­i­day­makers, nu­mer­ous dif­fer­ent nature ex­per­i­ences can be booked which are par­tic­u­larly re­ward­ing for groups – from ex­cit­ing ral­lies for chil­dren, right up to ac­com­pan­ied coach drives through the heath land­scape.

Make your stay a unique nat­ur­al ex­per­i­ence! You can find the en­tire range of activ­it­ies and guided tours on the Heide-Ranger web­site.


Jan Brockmann
Am lütten Stimbeck 15
29646 Bispingen
Phone: +49 (0)5194 / 970839


Arrival planning

Plan your journey to „The Heide-Ranger (Lüneburg Heath)“ with Google Maps.