children next to the air traffic control, © Hannover Airport / Maasewerd
© Hannover Airport / Maasewerd

Han­nov­er Air­port Ad­ven­ture World

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Green travel

Han­nov­er Air­port is a fas­cin­at­ing place - and a great des­tin­a­tion for an ex­cur­sion the whole fam­ily will en­joy! There’s so much to ex­per­i­ence, and that’s the case at any time - not just when you are about to fly away.

World of Avi­ation ex­hib­i­tion

Why do aero­planes fly? How did we hu­mans make our age-old dream of fly­ing come true? Learn all about it! At the ex­hib­i­tion, you will find real aero­planes to ex­plore, dis­plays with ex­plan­a­tions on in­ter­est­ing top­ics and phys­ic­al ex­per­i­ments to try out. Here, fans will quickly turn in­to ex­perts - and this is true not only for adult vis­it­ors!

Al­tern­at­ively, you can ex­plore the air­port from a dif­fer­ent per­spect­ive and learn all about sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The ex­hib­i­tion and themed dis­plays present an en­ga­ging over­view of the top­ic.

Vis­it­ors’ ter­race

What’s the best place to look at aero­planes? From above, of course. That’s why a vis­it to the vis­it­ors’ ter­race is so re­ward­ing. It of­fers a pan­or­amic view of the activ­it­ies on the ap­ron and the en­tire air­port ter­rain. Do take a close look. From here, you can watch aero­planes load­ing cargo, tak­ing off and land­ing. It also of­fers a fant­ast­ic view of the sky­line of Han­nov­er and the De­ister moun­tains.

Flight sim­u­lat­ors

How does it feel to sit in the cock­pit of an aero­plane? Try it and see! You don’t even need to be a trained pi­lot: any­one can use one of the au­then­t­ic flight sim­u­lat­ors. You can choose between an Air­bus A320 and a Boe­ing B737.

Han­nov­er Air­port dis­cov­ery tours

How do air­ports op­er­ate? What hap­pens to your lug­gage after check in? And what does the air­port fire bri­gade do? Dis­cov­er everything that usu­ally re­mains hid­den from pas­sen­gers on a dis­cov­ery tour at Han­nov­er Air­port. The air­port of­fers sev­en guided tours of dif­fer­ent dur­a­tions to choose from.

Erlebniswelt Hannover Airport

Flughafenstraße 4
30855 Langenhagen
Phone: +49 (0) 511 / 9771253


Arrival planning

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