Passenger ship, © Sabine Braun
© Sabine Braun

Bad Zwis­che­nahn: The ac­cess­ible spa town in the heart of Nieder­sachsen

Spa town with a his­tory of heal­ing

Bad Zwis­che­nahn, a scen­ic jew­el in the heart of Nieder­sachsen, is more than just an­oth­er des­tin­a­tion. It’s a place of peace, well-be­ing and joie de vivre, nestled in an idyll­ic loc­a­tion on a lake, the Zwis­che­nahner Meer. As a re­cog­nised Kneipp spa and mud spa, and as a cer­ti­fied ‘Travel for All’ des­tin­a­tion, Bad Zwis­che­nahn of­fers the per­fect com­bin­a­tion of health, re­lax­a­tion and ac­cess­ib­il­ity for your hol­i­day. And it’s in an idyll­ic loc­a­tion on a loc­al lake, the Zwis­che­nahner Meer. 

Ac­cess­ible hol­i­days

A cer­ti­fied ‘Travel for All’ loc­a­tion, Bad Zwis­che­nahn is a par­agon of in­clu­sion and ac­cess­ib­il­ity. So many places to stay, res­taur­ants and leis­ure ven­ues fea­ture bar­ri­er-free ac­cess to en­sure a care­free hol­i­day for every­one. Wheth­er you use a wheel­chair, have a pram or have lim­ited mo­bil­ity, in Bad Zwis­che­nahn your free­dom of move­ment is the top pri­or­ity. De­tailed ac­cess­ib­il­ity in­form­a­tion is avail­able for all cer­ti­fied es­tab­lish­ments – a big help in mak­ing your travel plans.

The heal­ing power of moor­land and wa­ter

As a re­cog­nised mud spa and Kneipp spa, the town of­fers a unique com­bin­a­tion of sooth­ing health treat­ments and un­spoiled nature. Mud­packs, mud baths and mas­sages use the moor’s heal­ing powers to treat ail­ments such as rheum­at­ism, arth­rit­is or skin con­di­tions. Gen­er­al re­lax­a­tion and well­being are also in fo­cus. As a Kneipp spa, Bad Zwis­che­nahn also high­lights the hol­ist­ic health ap­proach pur­sued by Se­basti­an Kneipp. Dis­cov­er how pleas­ant and in­vig­or­at­ing Kneipp ther­apy can be through wa­ter treat­ments, kin­esi­at­rics and bal­anced nu­tri­tion.

Leis­ure and cul­tur­al activ­it­ies in Bad Zwis­che­nahn

In ad­di­tion to health and well­ness, Bad Zwis­che­nahn in­vites vis­it­ors to dis­cov­er its di­verse range of leis­ure and cul­tur­al activ­it­ies. The Zwis­che­nahner Meer is a para­dise for wa­ter sports en­thu­si­asts and nature lov­ers. And Bad Zwis­che­nahn has no short­age of culin­ary de­lights: the re­gion is well-known for del­ic­acies like smoked eel or Am­mer­land ham spe­ci­al­it­ies, which you can en­joy along with many oth­er re­gion­al spe­ci­al­it­ies in its cosy res­taur­ants and cafés. 

You can find ac­cred­ited hol­i­day des­tin­a­tions in the Ger­many-wide Travel for All data­base.

Bad Zwischenahner Touristik GmbH

Auf dem Hohen Ufer 24
26160 Bad Zwischenahn
Phone: +49 (0)4403 / 61159


Arrival planning

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