Harz treetop path, © Baumwipfelpfad Harz/ Franziska Pönisch
© Baumwipfelpfad Harz/ Franziska Pönisch
Tree top walkway, © TMN/Alex Kaßner
© TMN/Alex Kaßner

Bad Har­zburg tree­top trail

Kinderferienland Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
Reisen für Alle

The first tree­top trail in the Harz Moun­tains and Nieder­sachsen takes you high above Bad Har­zburg. Ex­per­i­ence the tree­tops of Ger­many’s north­ern­most high­lands from a com­pletely dif­fer­ent per­spect­ive and learn fas­cin­at­ing facts about the re­gion’s nature and cul­ture at 18 plat­forms and over 50 activ­ity sta­tions.

The trail, which is a kilo­metre long, starts at the foot of the Bur­gberg in the heart of the Kur­park (spa gar­dens) in Bad Har­zburg and leads you 20 metres up through the old tree­tops. Along the route, you can learn more about the tim­ber in­dustry, nature and the en­vir­on­ment. What sets the trail apart from oth­er tree­top trails in Ger­many is its unique geo­logy sta­tion where the stone lay­ers of the Harz Moun­tains are ex­plained at a cliff face. The trail also goes over a pond, gives vis­it­ors a view of the Harz Moun­tains Na­tion­al Park, and in­tro­duces the fas­cin­at­ing flora and fauna of Ger­many’s north­ern­most high­lands. Par­tic­u­lar high­lights in­clude the glass plat­form at the sum­mit of the tree­top trail and the ad­ven­ture bridge with wobbly ele­ments and beams to bal­ance on.


  • Ad­ven­ture tours with forest ex­perts
  • Tree­top quiz
  • Chil­dren’s birth­day parties


  • Baum­Schwebe­Bahn flyline
  • View­ing plat­form
  • Over 50 activ­ity sta­tions


Baumwipfelpfad Harz

Nordhäuser Str. 2b
38667 Bad Harzburg
Phone: +49 (0) 5322 / 8777920


Arrival planning

Plan your journey to „Bad Harzburg treetop trail“ with Google Maps.