Hikers meet a shepherd in the Lüneburger Heide, © Lüneburger Heide GmbH / Dominik Ketz
© Lüneburger Heide GmbH / Dominik Ketz

Hik­ing tours

Rucksack packed, walking boots laced and off you go on Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)’s walking routes, which are known for their quality and variety. Short circuits easily manageable in one day are on offer alongside multi-day trips along exciting long distance walking trails. Immerse yourself in the scenery of the moors and heathland, the marshlands and landscapes dotted with hills and mountains on well-signposted and varied hiking routes. The hiking trails are sometimes calming and sometimes spectacular when a panoramic view opens up. A great many spellbinding views and places are accessible only to hikers.

Our tour overview gives you a summary of the best hiking trails available in your region of choice. Including helpful info and lots of insider tips to whet your appetite! There are also GPS tracks available to download for every walking tour.

Many of the circuits and long distance hiking routes are particularly high quality. You will find several of these hiking trails in our designated and particularly stunning hiking areas .

Level of difficulty
Type of tour
An den Kästeklippen, © Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg
© Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg

Kästeklippentour (Käste Cliffs Tour)

  • Type of tour: Circular tour
  • Level of difficulty: hard
  • Tour length: 11 km
  • Highest point: 601m
Wanderer auf dem Weg der Selbstzuwendung, © Touristikzentrum Westliches Weserbergland/ Jens König
© Touristikzentrum Westliches Weserbergland/ Jens König

Route of Self-Care

  • Type of tour: Circular tour
  • Tour length: 4 km
  • Highest point: 233m
Bad Lauterberg, Hausberg, © Harzer Tourismusverband, M. Gloger
© Harzer Tourismusverband, M. Gloger

Karstwanderweg Südharz

  • Type of tour: Straight-course tour
  • Tour length: 178 km
  • Highest point: 568m
Kuhmühler forest, © Touristikverband Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme)  e.V./ Udo Fischer/ Petra Welz
© Touristikverband Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme) e.V./ Udo Fischer/ Petra Welz

Nordpfad Kuhbach-Oste

  • Type of tour: Circular tour
  • Level of difficulty: easy
  • Tour length: 10 km
Hiking Harz, © Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg
© Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg

Luchstour (Lynx tour)

  • Type of tour: Circular tour
  • Level of difficulty: medium
  • Tour length: 16 km
  • Highest point: 573m
Ausblick Ith Hils Weg, © Tourismuszentrale östliches Weserbergland
© Tourismuszentrale östliches Weserbergland

Ith Hils Trail

  • Type of tour: Circular tour
  • Level of difficulty: medium
  • Tour length: 80 km
  • Highest point: 484m
Ahornweg, © Natur- und Geopark TERRA.vita
© Natur- und Geopark TERRA.vita


  • Type of tour: Circular tour
  • Level of difficulty: easy
  • Tour length: 103 km
  • Highest point: 330m
Wanderer auf dem Hohenstein, © Weserbergland Tourismus e.V / M. Gloger
© Weserbergland Tourismus e.V / M. Gloger

Weser Uplands Route (Weserbergland-Weg)

  • Type of tour: Straight-course tour
  • Tour length: 219 km
  • Highest point: 505m

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Level of difficulty
Type of tour