Klostergarten Hude, © Naturpark Wildeshauser Geest/ Rico Rosenau
© Naturpark Wildeshauser Geest/ Rico Rosenau

Mon­as­ter­ies in the Osnab­rück­er Land

Monastery Retreats: Oases of Peace and Contemplation

Monasteries are among the oldest hostelries known to humanity. They have always been considered oases of peace and contemplation – back in the olden days and even today! Stressed out from the pressures of modern life, more and more people today are enjoying monastery retreats as a welcome opportunity to rest and regenerate.

In Osnabrücker Land, too, the former and present monastic houses are popular places in which to leave the rat race behind for a day or two. They offer the ideal setting for people to recharge inner batteries, reflect and find themselves. Each monastery is a world of its own in which visitors can immerse themselves and take a journey to their inner self. A stay at a monastery is an experience filled with meaning, with joy and with culture. The region offers visitors everything from a guided tour of monastic sites, concert visits, participation in the monks’ chants to retreats and special creative and meditational seminars and courses designed to aid physical regeneration and to help participants find a new life rhythm.

Monastery Tour Brochure "Klosterreise - alte Orden neu entdecken"

As you travel this monastery route rediscovering old religious orders, the map of Osnabrücker Land reveals the great diversity of this region shaped partly by cultural, partly by religious influences. And a detour through the beautiful countryside along the nearby cycling and hiking routes at the heart of the nature reserve in Osnabrücker Land additionally provides inspiration for body and soul and will frequently also take you straight to sites that bear witness to the region’s eventful history.

With its brochure "Klosterreise - alte Orden neu entdecken", the tourism association Tourismusverband Osnabrücker Land invites visitors to make a tour of discovery that highlights the region’s wealth of spiritual and historical places and its great attraction as a travel destination.

Tourismusgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land mbH

Bierstraße 22-23
49074 Osnabrück
Phone: +49 (0) 541 / 3232202
