brine thermal bath Bad Harzburg, © Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg/ Eva Tiete
© Stadtmarketing Bad Harzburg/ Eva Tiete

Bad Har­zbur­ger Sole-Ther­me

Reisen für Alle

Bad Har­zburg is one of Ger­many’s best health spas. A place where well­ness dreams come true. One of the most beau­ti­ful thermal spas in Nieder­sachsen (Lower Sax­ony), Bad Har­zbur­ger Sole-Ther­me is the per­fect place for body and mind to com­pletely re­lax. The heal­ing nat­ur­al hot spring wa­ter is sourced from a depth of around 840 metres and used to fill the four swim­ming pools in the com­plex. The heal­ing powers of the wa­ter and the pleas­ant warmth of the two out­door pools, large in­door pool and whirl­pool cre­ate a re­lax­ing at­mo­sphere. Wa­ter aer­obics and a wide ar­ray of sports activ­it­ies “on land” suit all fit­ness needs. The sauna fa­cil­it­ies, which fea­ture six saunas, a nude swim­ming pool and a nud­ist sun ter­race, are the showpiece of the Ger­man spa. The main at­trac­tion is the salt cave. The beauty and treat­ment area of­fers ad­di­tion­al re­lax­a­tion and is a place where you can leave your cares be­hind.


  • In­door and out­door pool
  • Sauna fa­cil­it­ies – 6 dif­fer­ent saunas
  • Well­ness pa­vil­ion
  • Beauty area
  • Physio­ther­apy
  • Hammam area
  • Bis­tro Verde café


Thera­peut­ic treat­ments:

  • Physio­ther­apy, sling table ther­apy, tra­di­tion­al mas­sages, manu­al ther­apy, elec­tro­ther­apy, full-body mas­sages, re­flex­o­logy, the Dorn Meth­od, in­frared ra­di­ation, fan­go­ther­apy, lymph drain­age, in­hal­a­tion treat­ment, spa bath treat­ments, hy­dro­ther­apy


  • Sauna fa­cil­it­ies, hammam rituals, well­ness mas­sages, aro­ma­ther­apy mas­sages, hot stone mas­sages, Breuss mas­sages, well­ness days, su­per re­lax­a­tion days and pamper days, cos­met­ic treat­ments, ped­i­cures


  • Pi­l­ates, back school, yoga, spin­al gym­nastics, work­shops (e.g. in­tro­duc­tion to Shaol­in cul­ture)

Bad Harzburger Sole-Therme

Nordhäuser Str. 2a
38667 Bad Harzburg
Phone: +49 (0) 5322 / 75360


Arrival planning

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